
 *There is no school for students on Nov. 10 as it is Assessment and Evaluation day, and no school on November 13 as it is  Remembrance Day.

*Parents of students that have adaptations to support their learning will have received an email with a link to see them.  Please call the school if you have any questions-902-647-3500.

*Students on an IPP were given a copy of the IPP for parents to read and return.

*Picture Retake day is on November 20, 2023.  Students are asked to return the picture form if they need retakes or if they want to order pictures. 

*Report Cards will be emailed home on November 21st.  Please contact the main office at 902-647-3500 if you need to update your email.

*Parent teacher is on November 23rd from 6-8pm and November 12:30-2:30pm. A notice was sent home with students on November 7th.  

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